MentorMe is our biggest project. Through it we support people with a criminal conviction who want to start a new life free from crime. We do this by training and supporting people from churches* to mentor people with a conviction. It’s a wonderful and practical opportunity for Christians to learn more about God’s heart, their faith and the nature of grace! Our mentoring support is open to people of all faiths and none. We are there to enable people to lead meaningful crime-free lives by helping them achieve the targets they set. We do not proselytize.
Would you be interested in volunteering to mentor someone with a criminal conviction? MentorMe staff provide free, fun, engaging, high quality training and supervision to ensure that our mentors feel empowered, well supported and part of a team. Mentors need to be reliable, understanding, patient, and empathetic but do not need to be experts - life experience and a good sense of humour are more important!
If you are interested in becoming a mentor, then please get in touch.
* MentorMe training is set up to train and equip the Christian church in Bristol to be able to respond to the needs of people with a criminal conviction. To be eligible to go on to mentor with us, candidates are required to be part of a mainstream Christian church congregation (as recognised by Churches Together in England). Places on our training courses are always made available for people from other organisations or areas who might not fall into this category, however, going on to mentor with us carries the above requirement.
If you would like to refer someone to us for mentoring (within the Greater Bristol area) you can use our downloadable referral form. Please click here.
"I liked the combination of theory, practice, real life stories and situations, the trainers’ enthusiasm, and how honest and open they both were about what mentoring entails"
Volunteer mentor’s comment on our training.